Soy milk it's mostly used as a beverage which can be
sweetened and served hot or cold as tea for breakfast or anytime.
Note: Soya bean milk and soya bean powder
are totally different.
Soy milk is the most nutritious and best protein source because it has well balanced amino acid levels than other vegetable sources. It is rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids like lysine and methionine, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is one drink which is highly essential for kids due to its nutritious benefits and can also be taken by diabetic patients.
Soy milk is the most nutritious and best protein source because it has well balanced amino acid levels than other vegetable sources. It is rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids like lysine and methionine, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is one drink which is highly essential for kids due to its nutritious benefits and can also be taken by diabetic patients.
2 cup Soya beans
Water - As
Sugar/ Honey - As desired
Flavor essence - Optional
Soak the Soya bean seeds in water and
leave for 6 hours, preferably overnight.
Drain and rinse the seeds with clean
water. Rub the seeds between your hands to de-haul it till the skin peels off
(Just the same way beans is de-hauled for moi moi ). This process is very
important as the skin is more of fiber and insoluble. Sieve out the chaff
and rinse with clean water several times. Pour the washed seeds into a blender,
Add some water and blend till smooth.

Place the pot with the filtered soya
milk on fire and cook on low heat for about 15-20mins till it starts to boil.
While it cooks, keep stirring because it has the tendency to curdle if you
don't, then Sieve once more (Hot filtration) to remove the insoluble soy pulp
fiber (Okara) and leave to cool.
- Add
your sugar and flavor essence and mix.
You can serve warm or refrigerate and Serve Cold.
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