Tuesday 19 January 2016


Sugar cane can be eaten raw by chewing. This makes teeth and jaw strong. It’s juice is obtained by crushing or pressing between rollers. This juice is very nutritious and good for health.
It is a sweet, cheap and natural health drink, and has high amounts of potassium.

-        It helps reduce burning sensation or dysuria associated with urinary tract infections, kidney stones and prostratitis.
-        It cures sore throat, cold and flu.
-        It helps in weight management and it helps the body to fight against cancer, specifically, prostate and breast cancer.
-        It contains no simple sugar, so a diabetic can consume it without risking their health.  
-        It helps in treatments of jaundice and strengthens liver.
-        It helps in restoring protein lost during conditions like fever.
-        It helps in treating kidney disorder and facilitates smooth functioning of excretory system.
-        It helps in fight against acne, blemishes and keeps your skin hydrated.
-        With sugar cane juice, it controls and prevents ageing by apply the juice regularly. Use it as face mask and scrub. 

Always visit this site(blog), as different types of fruits will be posted and their health benefits too.
Don’t fail to send us your comments.


  1. Am glad I read this, I used to eat a lot of sugarcane but I stopped because it might not be good for me as I get older. Interesting, so it's not only kids that can enjoy sugarcane.
