Tuesday 10 November 2015



Vegetable  Sauce
This tasty sauce, made from chopped vegetable salad is a colorful way to enjoy a wide range of staple foods with vegetables. It's quick, it's easy and it's delicious! It's the perfect match for boiled white rice, boiled yam, fried plantain or mashed potatoes. You can giving it a try, it’s so nice. 

Note: If you choose to reduce some of the vegetables and  add your favorite vegetables make sure that there's carrot in it because it gives the sauce a rich delicious taste.

  • 2 cooking spoons vegetable oil
  • 5 Spring onions
  • 6-8 fresh plum tomatoes (Jos tomatoes)
  • 6-8 medium carrots
  • 1 small cabbage
  • 3 medium Irish potatoes or 1 tablespoon corn flour/starch (thickener)
  • 1 red bell pepper (optional)
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder (optional)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 2  stock cubes
  • 1 tablespoon thyme
Before cooking the Vegetable Sauce
1.     Wash and cut the vegetables, plum tomatoes (remove the seeds), carrots, cabbage and bell pepper. Scrape the carrots before cutting. Set aside.
2.     Peel the Irish potatoes, (if you're using it) wash and cut into small pieces. Blend into a thick paste and set aside. This will be used as thickener for the Vegetable Sauce.

Cooking Directions
1. Wash and cut the whole chicken into pieces. Place in a pot.
2. Add the stock cubes (crushed), thyme and the half of the onion that you cut into tiny pieces.

3.  Pour water to the same level as the contents of the pot and start cooking on high heat.
4. While cooking, mix the corn flour/starch with a small quantity   
      of water to get  the consistency of evaporated milk. Or a little bit 
      more watery than evaporated milk. Set aside (if using it)
5.  When the chicken is cooked, take them off from the pot and set aside. Leave  the stock (water from cooking the chicken) in the pot.
6.   Add the chopped tomatoes and the vegetable oil. Cover and cook for
7.  Add the curry powder(if using it); add the carrot, stir, cover and cook     
     for 3minutes.
8.  Once it boils, Add the corn flour/starch which you mix or the potato puree, which is the thickener. Add chopped bell pepper and cabbage.
9.  Stir, cover and allow to cook for 3 minutes on high heat, add the chicken and the other half of the onion.
10. Stir and continue cooking for 90 seconds and add salt if necessary, and it's  done!

You should be careful so you don't overcook the vegetables. Serve with boiled white rice, boiled yam. etc

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