Wednesday 10 August 2016


 Nduma is also known as arrow roots.  It is one of the delicious meals found in Kenya very easy to prepare.  
Arrowroot commonly known as Nduma is tuber plant that contains about 23% starch and is readily available in Kenyan market.

    -         Nduma
    -         Olive oil
    -         Salt
    -         Onion  
    -         Stock cube
    -         Vegetable (optional)
    -          Peel and wash with clean salty water
    -         Boil the Nduma until tender

    -         Add onion, stock cube and salt to taste
    -         When ready, cut into small cubes
    -         On a non-sticky pan heat  the olive oil and place the nduma
    -         Cook until it is browns and do that to all sides
    -         Add vegetable and cover for 3minutes.
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1 comment:

  1. Kindly use your own images, this is property and copyrighted to jikonimagic. Please pull it down.
